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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
74412 oneidebatista Paypal $0.14 Feb/20/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74267 baltazarm Paypal $0.05 Feb/13/2018 Apr/27/2024
74266 sole001 Paypal $0.84 Feb/13/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74244 Punisher2017 Paypal $0.24 Feb/12/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74242 Tiferny Paypal $0.29 Feb/12/2018 Apr/27/2024
74241 12345678910 Paypal $0.05 Feb/12/2018 Apr/27/2024
74240 sneyk13 Paypal $0.54 Feb/12/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74236 amaramejdi Perfect Money $1.06 Feb/11/2018 Apr/27/2024
74235 artolas Perfect Money $1.23 Feb/10/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74205 linkpetcz Paypal $0.15 Feb/10/2018 Apr/27/2024
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74190 Kingston Paypal $0.24 Feb/10/2018 Apr/27/2024
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Viewing 41801 through 42000 of 111923 payments