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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
34618 szhajnalka Paypal $0.06 Dec/29/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34573 ermomo Paypal $0.05 Dec/28/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34561 VEAS Paypal $0.10 Dec/28/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34509 soreto5 Paypal $1.10 Dec/27/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34487 gillesgobin Paypal $0.06 Dec/27/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34466 denyolan Paypal $0.05 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34464 lenka Paypal $1.10 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
34463 tross1993 Paypal $0.73 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
34462 jlkgfg Paypal $2.05 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
34461 Micra Paypal $0.05 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
34460 Tergelet2 Paypal $1.11 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34429 Havemoney Paypal $0.11 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
34428 shadow1234 Paypal $0.51 Dec/26/2014 Apr/27/2024
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34418 m3dv3 Paypal $0.40 Dec/25/2014 Apr/27/2024
Viewing 79201 through 79400 of 111923 payments