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178,922,803 Ads View Served             169,956 Members     33 Online     $69,753 Total Paid

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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
109967 Avindu123 Paypal $0.04 Dec/25/2021 Apr/27/2024
109966 mbark83 Paypal $0.04 Dec/24/2021 Apr/27/2024
109965 zXR8z Paypal $0.04 Dec/24/2021 Apr/27/2024
109964 Viti2012 Paypal $0.77 Dec/24/2021 Apr/27/2024
109963 PRO551 Paypal $1.58 Dec/24/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109956 ahdmwk Paypal $0.50 Dec/24/2021 Apr/27/2024
109955 gamestech Paypal $0.59 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109954 Alexlima Paypal $3.08 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109953 cash7 Paypal $2.09 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109951 Embiran2021 Paypal $1.03 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109950 enmanuel12h Paypal $0.44 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109949 jano44 Paypal $0.59 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109948 rogger Paypal $16.06 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109947 Lufergo Paypal $1.12 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109946 megi660066 Paypal $0.10 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109945 daro44k Paypal $1.15 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109944 zemun Paypal $0.52 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109943 alexsandrofi Paypal $2.05 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109942 nas265 Paypal $0.49 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109941 cobra123 Paypal $0.14 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109940 august Paypal $1.30 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109939 Harlok Paypal $0.49 Dec/23/2021 Apr/27/2024
109938 HMF74 Paypal $0.09 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109937 yashii02 Paypal $0.09 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109936 Buddhika1984 Paypal $0.65 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109935 Rumata2211 Paypal $1.09 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109934 Vai3333 Paypal $0.24 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109933 sfiani123 Paypal $0.09 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109932 mcmegabyte Paypal $0.14 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109931 striken Paypal $0.41 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109929 simeone7 Paypal $1.72 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109928 on4o Paypal $0.71 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109927 Jasrupa Paypal $0.17 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109926 thush49 Paypal $0.04 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109925 MONIQUE Paypal $2.31 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109924 Showbeer Paypal $0.09 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109923 mybiz75 Paypal $0.67 Dec/22/2021 Apr/27/2024
109922 mober Paypal $0.51 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109921 GottwaldMojmir Paypal $0.50 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109920 Jaouad01 Paypal $1.32 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109919 roy71 Paypal $5.91 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109918 tkpaul086 Paypal $0.05 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109917 NatthaphongS Paypal $0.49 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109916 hidareta Paypal $0.49 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109915 Diyasaran3 Paypal $0.04 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109914 andre1986 Paypal $0.49 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109913 marshaus2010 Paypal $0.52 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109912 nobbe Paypal $0.51 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109911 Lolatifa Paypal $3.16 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109910 svala09 Paypal $0.50 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109909 Staff007 Paypal $0.10 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109908 jakutis Paypal $4.30 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109907 Volodymyrmart Paypal $1.16 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109906 dranix10 Paypal $1.00 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109905 jozef1977 Paypal $0.61 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109904 haznd2020 Paypal $1.00 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109903 jcr1992 Paypal $1.53 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109902 glade Paypal $0.49 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
109901 Casavera Paypal $0.31 Dec/21/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109899 Jodzis88 Paypal $0.50 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109897 li55ycash Paypal $0.50 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109894 abisinia Paypal $0.29 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109892 Conan317 Paypal $0.50 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109891 raul9905 Paypal $4.10 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109890 Imano Paypal $0.51 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109889 sachubullsnbr Paypal $0.98 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109888 musashy Paypal $0.49 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109887 Melcsy811 Paypal $1.64 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109886 AleksandBad Paypal $0.09 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109871 presstro Perfect Money $2.00 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109870 trendaunha Perfect Money $1.55 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109869 surenmag Perfect Money $1.08 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109868 agzK Perfect Money $2.17 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109867 kramdon Perfect Money $2.38 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109866 igormishka Perfect Money $1.94 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109865 soma1986 Paypal $1.67 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109864 debapalit88 Paypal $1.98 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109863 LuisH810910 Paypal $0.52 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109862 hetor77 Paypal $1.23 Dec/20/2021 Apr/27/2024
109861 javierkriss8 Paypal $1.00 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109859 tr12 Paypal $0.49 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109858 vmk4vmk Paypal $20.00 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109857 Huda99 Paypal $0.17 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109856 HNP11 Paypal $0.59 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109855 millabca Paypal $0.49 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109854 abhayr1316 Paypal $0.51 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109853 EiKo Paypal $0.51 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109852 debeshsaha Paypal $0.49 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109851 majaso Paypal $0.74 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109850 mire501 Paypal $1.50 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
109849 duster Paypal $0.50 Dec/19/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109846 zbych55 Paypal $2.07 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109845 rarubenalvarez Paypal $0.14 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109844 henryjohn Paypal $0.49 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109843 stellarlam00 Paypal $1.14 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109842 Cordden Paypal $1.76 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109841 jorgea72141 Paypal $0.54 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109840 rc58 Paypal $0.49 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109839 gustavofraga Paypal $0.65 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109838 Kremena Paypal $0.14 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109837 Vithu0311 Paypal $0.49 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109836 bankktawhan Paypal $1.20 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109835 ThadaChesa Paypal $3.37 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109834 shakilmahmad Paypal $0.50 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109833 IntraO Paypal $1.04 Dec/18/2021 Apr/27/2024
109832 Marco345 Paypal $0.18 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109831 dabex Paypal $0.52 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109830 Kanjeng Paypal $0.50 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109829 boosalavr Paypal $1.80 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109828 maybaranisoe Paypal $0.14 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109827 BAXINHO34 Paypal $0.50 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109825 artolas Paypal $1.10 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109823 ivamaija Paypal $1.00 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109822 akreit Paypal $0.49 Dec/17/2021 Apr/27/2024
109821 ronny07 Paypal $0.49 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109820 youssefbouzlo99 Paypal $1.00 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109819 wilsoncastrona Paypal $1.08 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109818 mjmathi510 Paypal $1.25 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109817 sanjcasht1 Paypal $0.54 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109816 juancarlos18 Paypal $0.09 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109815 NWMSKbandara12 Paypal $0.50 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109813 neteuros Paypal $0.50 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109811 eddyuk Paypal $30.85 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109810 iamstacy Paypal $0.50 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109809 flowersu Paypal $1.04 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109808 josuefcb Paypal $0.05 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109807 LCL2021PI Paypal $1.07 Dec/16/2021 Apr/27/2024
109806 Angellodarwin Paypal $0.50 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109805 hash254 Paypal $0.24 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109804 BashirAhbeish Paypal $0.05 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109803 zemun Paypal $0.69 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109802 belo Paypal $1.15 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109801 HMF74 Paypal $0.20 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109800 Malitha9819 Paypal $0.09 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109799 llBurma Paypal $0.36 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109798 jamher Paypal $3.33 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109797 AmarS Paypal $0.04 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109796 amirthasoori Paypal $0.49 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109795 oldy Paypal $0.59 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109794 mino96 Paypal $0.09 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109793 Taksaporn Paypal $0.04 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109792 vinodkumaras Paypal $0.49 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109791 hasenko78 Paypal $0.49 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109787 blackhawkna Paypal $0.51 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109784 ehsdlek Paypal $0.52 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109783 FARMIATY Paypal $3.00 Dec/15/2021 Apr/27/2024
109782 priscila222 Paypal $0.49 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109781 robnek Paypal $1.04 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109780 Ajstyles1 Paypal $0.09 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109779 LordLess Paypal $0.84 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109778 russita Paypal $0.17 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109776 alrahide Paypal $0.07 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109775 pavvgp Paypal $0.76 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109774 Donnatse1683 Paypal $0.49 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109773 stevia Paypal $0.52 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109772 DorelD Paypal $4.00 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109771 rata7765433 Paypal $0.25 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109770 huyeto1 Paypal $0.56 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109769 Casavera Paypal $0.30 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109768 zbycho Paypal $0.58 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109767 saka3721 Paypal $0.49 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
109766 anexlin Paypal $2.00 Dec/14/2021 Apr/27/2024
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109764 alexsandrofi Paypal $1.14 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109763 rich1984 Paypal $0.53 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109762 codj Paypal $0.51 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109761 diegoelpana33 Paypal $0.50 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109760 Rosi72 Paypal $0.69 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109759 nikolaicov Paypal $0.66 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109758 purrseygirl Paypal $1.96 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109757 Marjeta53 Paypal $3.15 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109756 desertwind Paypal $0.60 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109755 enmanuel12h Paypal $0.20 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
109754 alster Paypal $0.09 Dec/13/2021 Apr/27/2024
Viewing 11201 through 11400 of 111923 payments